Boron nitrite particles
Salt particles
WC-Co particles
Corundum particles (aluminium oxide)
Glass beads
Ammonium sulfate particles
Gypsum particles
Concrete additives
Wheat grains
The behavior of a powder in an engineering process is depending on the size and shape properties. For quality control or to fulfill requirements it is necessary to measure the particle distribution and shape.
PowderShape allows you to correctly measure size, shape, color and transparency. The PowderShape measurement system consist of a computer, an appropriate high resolution scanner and the PowderShape software.
To give an example: Corundum particles are typically used for grinding wheels. The grain size of the corundum particles determines how coarse or fine a grinding wheel is. For example fine grain sizes are for precision finish work.
PowderShape gives you the possibility to analyse the distribution of a large number of particles and gives you a big choice of measurement values. Special with PowderShape is that you can analyse values of single objects. This helps to better understand and to control the results of your sample.
Another point of interest is the characterisation of multi-modal particle distributions as it is the case for the determination of the degree of agglomeration and the size of stable agglomerates.
If the true geometrical dimensions of smaller particles needs to be measured, the A4 scanner can be combined with high-resolution digital microscopes or with images taken by SEM, or TEM. This opens new possibilities in the analysis of nanoparticles.
For more info contact us or have a look at the PowderShape publications.